The story of a freshman of T.F.V. 'Professor Francken'

Posted on 12 Jan 2017

The story of freshman, Delân Çağlar
My story as a freshman is probably a little different than that of most freshmen here as I’m technically not really a freshman. I’ve been studying Biology for the past three years and decided that instead of wasting most of my fourth year on just a few courses I still have to do, I would just start another bachelor! I know, I know, what the fuck was I thinking, but so far I’m not regretting it. I’ve always loved mathematics and now that I know that I want to become a teacher, I figured I’d increase my chances of getting a job by studying maths, since math teachers are scarce. Also, I didn’t like the idea of already having to work in three years (yay procrastination!).

I first came into contact with Francken during the very awesome Pienterkamp. There I met lots of awesome people who encouraged me to join the association. After going to the cocktailborrel and the barbecue, I was certain that I would have an awesome time here at Francken.

After spending some time here, I decided I’d like to do some committees besides the ones I’m doing at Biology. After doing some research, I soon came to the conclusion that the Fraccie was the one for me. Just when I decided that three committees would be more than enough for me, I got asked to be part of the Sjaarcie. As the gullible idiot that believed that a fourth committee wouldn’t be that much more work, I accepted. So now I’m a proud member of four awesome committees.

Figure 1: Winning Monopoly at Game Night organised by the Fraccie

Of course, you’re not doing a bachelor just for fun. Besides committees, I’m also very busy trying to survive the hardships of mathematics. While I passed all courses during the first period and enjoyed them too, they are quite a bit harder than most first year Biology courses, so it was quite the adjustment. However, if I’d put down the beers some more and instead focus a bit more on studying I should be alright this year.

While I’m very busy right now, I’m very glad I started this bachelor and became a member of Francken. The courses are (mostly) fun, the people are awesome and the activities are very funzies. For those who are enticed by the idea of doing a committee, you should definitely go for it. While it may take up some of your time, it is really worth it and you’ll have a lot of fun doing it.

Written by

  • Delân Çaglar