Register to be a Francken member

Will you be studying in Groningen and do you want to have a good time? Come and join our association!
For only €5,- per year you can get free coffee and tea at our membersroom in the Nijenborgh 4 and join many of our activities, which is a great way to get to know your fellow students!

Step 1 / 4: Personal details


Studying from abroad?

We would like to keep track of the amount of international members, please provide your nationality and indicate if you've got a Dutch high school diploma.

Step 2 / 4: Contact details

Please use your personal email, don't use your student email.
Get the Franken Vrij (optional)

Each year we publish three issues of our popular science magazine, the Francken Vrij. Once you've been registered, we will send you a printed copy whenever a new issue of our magazine is released. You will also receive our biweekly newsletter to your email informing you of events at our association and university.

Join our WhatsApp broadcast (optional)

Would you like to stay informed about upcoming activities? Provide your phone number so that we can add you to our WhatsApp braodcast.

Step 3 / 4: Study details

Step 4 / 4: Billing details

The membership fee at our association is €5,- per year. Additionaly, there may be extra costs for you if you want to buy food and drinks in our membersroom or if you'd like to attend payed events.

We will use your IBAN to automatically withdraw your expenses. Once your registration has been completed, a board member will ask you to sign a form of consent to allow us to withdraw money from your account.

Don't have an IBAN?

You can always submit your (new) IBAN later in the year. However you won't be able to buy food and drinks from our streepsysteem.

Become an active member

Would you like to join a committee?

Many of our activities are organized by voluntary work from committees members. Joining a committee is a good opportunity to get to know your fellow students as well as improve your resume. You can find more information about each committee on our committees page .

Do you have any comments or questions? Let us know!

By registering this form you agree to the privacy statement of T.F.V. 'Professor Francken'