Wadlopen to Ameland

Want to have the full Dutch experience? Join the Sportcie to go wadlopen to Ameland! We will go from hoofdstation at 7:00. The activity will be a full day walking to Ameland and coming back in the evening by boat. The price of the tickets is €15,00. You do need to pay for your own public transport to the sport where we will go to to start wadlopen. There are very limited signups and they will close next week Friday 28th of February so be sure to be quick and sign up!

15 Franckenmembers are joining this activity, login and sign up as well.


  • Jasmijn Kool 1 week ago

    hyped :)

About this event

June 22nd 09:00
June 22nd 20:00
Registration deadline
March 1st 01:00
€ 15.00


15 / 15

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