Crash & Compile

Do you enjoy solving puzzles and crashing computers, possibly at the same time? Do you think spreadsheets can solve or cause all problems in live? Do you like playing games of Monopoly, or do you just enjoy drinking? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions then we have a great activity for you to join. On Friday the 28th of May the S[ck]rip(t|t?c)ie will host a new online Monopoly themed Crash & Compile game. Gather in teams of two, use your excellent programming skills to earn monopoly money by solving everyday puzzles, or simply drink some beers to earn money on the side. Use your hard earned money to buy properties, build houses, pay taxes and unlock more puzzles. Sign up now and show that your team is the best in crashing, compiling and/or playing monopoly!

How does this work?

You'll join the activity in teams of two (if you don't have a team member yet sign up anyway and find one during the activity). Each team gets an account on our online monopoly game where you'll be able to play monopoly to earn monopoly money, solve questions and complete challenges. Make sure that you've filled your fridge for this evening as you will be able to earn Crash points for each beer that your team has consumed during the game. We will gather virtually using gathertown where you'll be able to ask the committee questions about the game as well as inform them of any beverages that you've drank.

Which programming languages can I use?

You can use anything you'd like! Heck even using Excell is allowed, albeit discouraged. Some questions may even be solved by thinking analytically!

Do I need a fast PC?

Probably not unless you're wasting your energy on mining for crypto coins.

634 Franckenmembers are joining this activity, login and sign up as well.


  • Duncan Andrew Saunders 3 years ago

    Maybe Roman not sure if he has an account online, is a member though

  • Sjoerd Meesters 3 years ago

    Hoi, you can now pre-register your team (for the online app) by texting me

  • Sjoerd Meesters 3 years ago

    For those who are wondering: "Wie is Sjoerd?". I am Sjieuwe

About this event

May 28th 20:00
May 28th 22:00
Registration deadline
May 28th 20:00


634 / ∞

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