Francken Symposium

This year's Francken symposium the theme will be 'Rocket Science'.

More and more satellites are floating in an orbit around the earth. Telescopes able to observe stars lightyears away are in communication with us here, while being far beyond the sight of the eye. A whole space station, able to host astronauts for months is right above our heads. This all would not have been possible without a great deal of knowledge of applied physics. Hence were are looking forward to the symposium where we are going to hear all about this technology and the challenges we are about to face.

As the organisation we hope to welcome you the May 17 from 09:00 o'clock in Het Heerenhuis. For more information check the symposium website: "".


About this event

May 17th 09:00
May 17th 16:00
Het HeerenHuis, Spilsluizen 9, 9712 NR Groningen, Netherlands