Cantus with COVER

This year T.F.V. 'Professor Francken' will organise for the very first time a cantus together with COVER. A cantus is a very familiar definition in the student community in Groningen. For those that do not know this definition, I will introduce the following description:

'A cantus is a game inspired by German student organisations. You will be gathered around large tables and beer will be brought to you while you are chanting a variety of very cheesy and classic songs. Some songs are dated back to the Middle Ages. During the game you need to be careful, since there are a few strict drinking rules that need to be followed.'

The cantus will take place in Villa Volonté from 20:30 o'clock. Be sure you will be there after your singing preparations!


About this event

May 10th 20:30
May 11th 00:00
Villa Volonté, Schuitendiep 86, 9711 RG Groningen, Netherlands